(4,16 Kv, 4000 A / 1250 A, 50kA)
Entrada / Enlace – Secundario Selectivo
Salidas a Motor y Transformador

Incoming 1, included Breaker 4,16 kV., 4000A., 50kA, protection relay Multilin 750; lock out relay switch Multilin 95; voltmeter and switch; test box for VT circuits; Test box for CT circuits; miniature circuit-breaker with auxiliary contact; pilot lights; terminal blocks; test disconnect terminal block; Auxiliary control relay 2NO + 2NC; Current relay MS 641 Schneider Electric; Universal time relay; Hour counter MTAH (60Hz) GE Digital Energy; Long Handle, 3 position, ±45º, spring return; Thermostat.
Incoming 2, included Breaker 4,16 kV., 4000A., 50kA, protection relay Multilin 750; lock out relay switch Multilin 95; voltmeter and switch; test box for VT circuits; Test box for CT circuits; miniature circuit-breaker with auxiliary contact; pilot lights; terminal blocks; test disconnect terminal block; Auxiliary control relay 2NO + 2NC; Current relay MS 641 Schneider Electric; Universal time relay; Hour counter MTAH GE Digital Energy; Thermostat.
Bus coupler, included Breaker 4,16 kV., 4000A., 50kA, protection relay Multilin 750; lock out relay switch Multilin 95; Test box for CT circuits; miniature circuit-breaker with auxiliary contact; pilot lights; terminal blocks; test disconnect terminal block; Auxiliary control relay 2NO + 2NC; Current relay MS 641 Schneider Electric; Universal time relay; Hour counter MTAH (60Hz) GE Digital Energy; CAM Switches; Long Handle, 3 position, ±45°, spring return; Thermostat.

Bus riser, included VT’s and CT’s, miniature circuit-breaker with auxiliary contact, terminal blocks, test box for VT circuits, voltmeter and switch, Thermostat.
OutgoingTransformer, included Breaker 4,16 kV., 1250A., 50kA, protection relay Multilin 750; lock out relay switch Multilin 95; miniature circuit-breaker with auxiliary contact; pilot lights; terminal blocks; test box for CT circuits; test disconnect terminal block; Long Handle, 3 position, ±45°, spring return; Long Handle, 2 position, ±90°, spring return; Thermostat.
Outgoing Motor, included Breaker 4,16 kV., 1250A., 50kA, protection relay Multilin 750; lock out relay switch; miniature circuit-breaker with auxiliary contact; pilot lights; terminal blocks; test box for CT circuits; test disconnect terminal block; Long Handle, 3 position, ±45°, spring return; Long Handle, 2 position, ±90°, spring return; Thermostat.